Signs You Need to Find a Tree Removal Contractor in Ann Arbor ASAP


Signs That You Need To Find A Tree Removal Contractor

Tree removal is something that definitely needs to be taken care of as soon as possible once you notice any of these signs. Trees can be very dangerous if left standing while problems are going on with them. To keep yourself and your home safe, it’s best to call a tree removal contractor in Ann Arbor, MI, as soon as you notice any of these signs.

  • The Tree Is Dead

A dead tree is one of the biggest reasons to get it removed. This is because if a tree is dead then it is very weak and has the potential to fall if it’s left untreated. You’ll notice that the tree is dead because you’ll see the decay or hanging limbs. It may also have peeling bark on it.

  • The Tree Is Leaning

A leaning tree isn’t always causing concern because some trees naturally lean, but a lot of the time it happens suddenly or after a storm, then this could be dangerous. A leaning tree that wasn’t leaning before has a possibility of falling over and damaging property or causing injury to those standing below it. A leaning tree should almost always be removed before it becomes a fallen tree.

  • The Tree Is Sick or Diseased

A sick tree is something that many of us might not always know about, but sick trees have the possibility of dying or falling because of the damage and decayed areas. Diseased trees also need to be removed because the disease can actually spread to other healthy trees in your yard. This can be a risk for any plants around you and the possibility of many trees dying and falling around your home.

  • A Tree Is Fallen

A fallen tree needs to be removed even if it isn’t necessarily blocking a road or isn’t in the way. Most trees need to be removed if they’ve fallen because it can cause many other problems for your home, family, and other trees around it.

  • The Tree Is Touching A Power Line

If the tree is touching a power line then it may need to be removed. Sometimes the tree can be trimmed in order to get it away from the line, but other times if the tree is growing too close to the powerline then it’s essential to have the tree removed.

  • The Tree Is Growing Too Close To Your Home

Trees that are growing too close to your home can be a problem for many reasons. One reason this is an issue is that the branches might touch your home and cause damage, plus if the tree starts leaning or falling then it can damage your home. Tree roots also are a big issue when it comes to growing close to your property because the tree roots can intertwine with piping and wiring under your home causing more problems.

  • You See Visible Signs Of Damage

A damaged tree that has hanging branches, broken MIrts, or just overall looks a big danger can indeed be dangerous. A broken branch or tree can eventually fall causing injury or damage to yourself and your property. If you notice any visible signs of damage it’s best to call a tree removal contractor in Ann Arbor  to have it looked at.

Benefits Of Tree Removal

It’s, of course, essential to remove trees that can cause harm to yourself and your family as well as damage your property. However, there are more benefits to tree removal than just safety reasons. Let’s go through some of the added benefits you can get from getting a tree removal contractor in Ann Arbor, MI.

  • Boosted curb appeal and overall better looking property
  • Getting extra sMIce on your property
  • Creating a better view
  • Protect other trees from disease or damage
  • Keep your home safe
  • Protect your family from possible injury


In conclusion, tree removal is an essential thing for many people, especially if you notice any of these signs. Signs of needing a tree removal service are nothing to take lightly because having a damaged, leaning, or dead tree can be extremely dangerous for you and everyone in your home. If you notice a dead tree or a tree that might need to be removed then be sure to do so immediately.  It’s important to pay attention to these signs and act fast if you notice any of them. A tree removal contractor in Ann Arbor, MI will help to remove your tree as soon as possible while maintaining safety.